Chapter 10 - Passion in the Death Dance
June 12, 1996, Wed
Alberni Valley Times
Wilderness group brings campaign to Port Alberni
The Western Canada Wilderness Committee (WCWC) is on the road to protect bears. The Bear Referendum Road Tour 1996 will be in Port Alberni on Thursday, June 13.
The goal is to get the government to hold a province-wide referendum banning the trophy and sport hunting of bears in BC.
Because 78% of people in the province are against sport and trophy hunting of Grizzly and Black bears, WCWC believes this is possible, said Anthony Marr, a WCWC campaigner.
... Between 4,000-7,000 volunteer canvassers are needed.
Organizers will be holding an information meeting in Port Alberni on Thursday, June 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Friendship Centre.
Signatures must be witnessed by volunteer canvassers who have registered with and been approved by the Chief Electoral Officer.
The 90-day Initiative Petition process will begin in September, Marr said. If the signatures are confirmed by the Chief Electoral Officer, the proposed referendum could be held in September, 1997.
Since the Act was passed in July, 1994, several organizations have attempted to initiate legislation, WCWC said. All have failed, citing over-tough requirements as the reason.
From Anthony Marr's field journal:
June 13, 1996, Thursday, mostly sunny
[13:18 @ the Grays’ residence in Campbell Island]
Dearest Christopher:
Today is going to be the toughest day since the beginning of the road tour. Of course I refer to this evening’s Port Alberni engagement, but also the amount of media to be done:
1. 09:15 phone interview from Ruth’s apartment with Denise of the Campbell River Mirror,
2. 10:00 in person interview with Rob of the Port Hardy Gazette at the Gazette office,
3. 14:30 in person interview with Quentin Dodd of the Campbell River Courier at the Courier office,
4. 17:00 in person interview at the Tanner’s with Chris Beacom of the Parksville-Qualicum News, and
5. 19:00 in person presentation at the Friendship Centre in Port Alberni, with newspaper reporter present, hopefully.
Now, I’m writing this at Wayne and Anita Gray’s, with an hour to spare before the Courier interview. I was drawn back to the Grays as if by a magnet. I just couldn’t stop thinking about them since I heard their tragic-heroic story. Most of all, I was haunted by the moment when their children were being burnt to death. I have no doubt that Tears in Heaven would have the same effect on them as it does on me, no matter how many times it has been played and how much time has elapsed. This alone brings them deep into my being. Although I haven’t yet shared with them my Christopher story, I know they know I understand theirs.
I forgot to follow-up on the old man who saved them from the burning car. By the time he arrived, the seat-belts of both Anita and Wayne, which they could not undo, not to mention the hair on their heads, had been burned off, but the doors still wouldn't budge. This 70-year-old superman grabbed hold of the red-hot door handle and yanked the door open, and extricated them, seconds before the entire car was engulfed in flames. What I forgot to mention was that he became an invalid as a result of the superhuman performance, with both shoulders and arms defunct.
"One day, you will almost drop your motorcycle with you astride it," Raminothna foretold. "You will use all your strength to right it from 30-degrees off the vertical, and you will succeed. But you will lose the full use of your left shoulder for months..."
"Gee, thanks!"
"... so much so that you won't be able to even lift your left arm for days, though your left hand will still function. And you will ask friends to pick up your hanging left hand and place it on the handle-bar, and you will ride off into the sunset again," She said, with a hint of a divine smile.
"Yeah right. Well, at least I'll still be riding. But the next time the bike tips again, it will go down."
"True enough, most miracles work only once."
"What do you mean?"
"The second time, it just won't be the same."
"Are you saying that Jesus would sink the second time he tries to walk on water?"
"There was no second time. And there was no second crucifixion either. A truly momentous miracle works once and only once. Except the Great Miracle of Life of course. If your species wipes out life on Earth, life will rise again, but never again the species Homo Sapiens."
"I hear you, Raminothna."
"But does Homo Sapiens hear me, Anthony?"
"I am a human, and I hear you."
"For which I am well pleased."
"I have a question."
Raminothna read my mind, and said, "The answer is: Yes, the crucifixion is a miracle, though not necessarily the resurrection part."
"If he die and there was no resurrection, what kind of a miracle would that be?"
"A courageous Miracle of Passion."
“Which of course involves a Death of Passion?”
“Let me tell you about a ballerina who is a personification of passion. Never has she danced a dance of joy without beaming from her heart, nor a dance of love without deeply loving her dance partner, nor a dance of tragedy without shedding real tears. And yet, the greatest dance of love and tragedy ever created by Homo sapiens - Romeo and Juliet – she has never once performed. Do you know why?”
I thought for long before answering, “She is reserving it as her grand finale? Her farewell performance?"
"Exactly," said Raminothna, who can read my mind.
"And, yes, it cannot be done again."
Let me explain. The ballerina will enact, no, live, Juliet's life, which includes her death. She will die with Juliet, as Juliet, the exact moment when Juliet died.
And this moment will last forever.
Good night, Christopher.
The Fortunate and The Called Upon
at your service
Anthony Marr, Founder and President
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)
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