Chapter 28 - October Media Coverage
Bear poaching on increase locally
Daily Free Press, Nanaimo, BC
by Mark Brett
… Conservation officer Ron Heusen…said,… “We’ve had four kills in the last month right in the Nanaimo District area. In six years I’ve heard of maybe four carcasses poached for parts, and in one month, we’ve had four go down. There is no doubt it’s increasing.”… Meanwhile, Anthony Marr… is on his second road tour of BC…
Hunted down by the law
Macleans Magazine, national
It was a case of ready, fire, aim for the BC Wildlife Federation, a group representing hunters in BC. With 25,000 copies of the September/October issue of its magazine, Outdoor Edge, already delivered to their BC members, the BC group had to abruptly cancel the remainder of its distribution, pull 60 copies from store shelves, and print a public apology in Vancouver newspapers last week. At issue were remarks that the cancelled edition contained about the WCWC…
Peace River Regional District takes a stand against ban on bear hunting
The Northerner, Fort St. John, BC
by Richards
… The BC Wildlife Federation is mounting its own campaign to counter WCWC’s. Doug Walker, executive director of BCWF, rallied members in his column in Outdoor Edge magazine. The Federation is hoping to raise $500,000 for radio and TV air time and newspaper space in order to overshadow the petition. Walker is asking members to donate about $25 each to help with the cause. ‘I think we can all give up one box of shells or a tank of gas to preserve our hunting heritage,” he wrote……
Marr is stuck in a very hard place. If he only demands higher penalties and more protection for animals against poachers, he has hunters on his side, but as soon as he turns around and addresses the other side, he is met with complete opposition.
“Hunters go for the head and hide and poachers go for the gall and paws; they are all after bear parts…” Marr said...
Bear Crusader takes man on the speaking tour from hell
The News, Parksville, BC
by Bruce Whitehead
No matter how open-minded you are, you likely wouldn’t pick Anthony Marr out to be an environmental activist - let alone one that some have called “the most hated man in BC”.
But the…Chinese-Canadian physicist has almost single-handedly managed to fire up emotions in every corner of the province…
Anti-hunting campaign rolls into valley
The Saturday Okanagan, Kelowna, BC
Anthony Marr is in the Okanagan this weekend organizing supporters to gather signatures against bear hunting… At least 20 local volunteers have applied with Elections BC to be registered canvassers. But so far, the necessary paperwork has not come through, Marr said…
Apathy ‘greatest opponent’ to bear referendum
Prince George This Week
… WCWC’s ambitious attempt… “Our biggest problem isn’t the law, it isn’t the hunters – it’s the apathy of the silent majority,” said Anthony Marr. “Apathy is our greatest opponent.”…
Anti-hunt activists face uphill battle for vote
Times Colonist, Victoria, BC
by Malcolm Curtis
In areas where hunting is as common as walking the dog, canvassing for signatures is not for the weak-hearted.. In a 12,000-km road trip to promote the referendum last summer, Marr often found himself confronting hallsful of angry hunters… The volunteers – 50 are already signed up in the Capital Region – have to be registered with the provincial government in a time-consuming process that involves 5 mailings…
The Ban Bear Hunting Initiative, an exercise in democracy
Mainstreet, Crawford Bay, BC
by Susan Hulland
… This initiative is part of a larger global process called the BET’R Campaign. Launched in 1995 and founded by an Asian named Anthony Marr…
The really interesting thing about this initiative is that there’s more at stake here than first meets the eye. Some hunters believe this is the first step in the total ban on all hunting…
Understandably… the big guns will be coming out of the bushes representing all sides of the issue. Also, the gallery is filling up quickly with interested parties who stand to lose or gain in some way depending on the final result.
Hunters and hunting support groups such as guides, outfitters and taxidermists are lining up on one side with lots of ranchers and pro-gun lobbyists. Supporters of the hunting ban are being joined by numerous scientists concerned for species diversity, animal rights proponents, and pacifists of all kinds.
You can be darned sure the bad guys are watching, too. Irrespective of the final outcome..., heightened public awareness about bear hunting issues will affect their way of doing business. This will reverberate throughout the community of those who prosper from both the legal and illegal killing of bears, from our local community poachers to the sophisticated international criminals who deal in the animals parts commodities market.
You can also be sure the politicians are watching this process. And… also lots of other public advocacy groups…
Bear hunting ban under the gun
The Morning Sun, Vernon, BC
by Richard Rolke
… Marr said that while only one proponent – the WCWC – can push for the referendum, and unlimited number of opponents – in this case 107 hunting groups – can fight the petition campaign. “Further, the single proponent must work all 75 districts to ensure all succeed, whereas the 107 opponents need concentrate on one district. If we fail in just one district, the whole project fails. The rules are stacked against us.”
Victim of bear attack back campaign to end hunting
The Vancouver Sun
by Larry Pynn
Chilliwack – Just two months after he was mauled while camping, Jackson Brown would seem an unlikely person to sign a petition against bear hunting. But Brown says he holds no grudge against bears…
Campaign to ban bear hunt seeks help
The Penticton Herald
… Anthony Marr said he has about 15 people in the Penticton area so far to collect 3,200 signatures… Marr said about two-thirds of some 2,000 volunteers have so far been approved…
Bear hunt protestors seek petition support
The Beachcomber, Saanich, BC
… The group says that, on a global scale, bears are in decline. Four of the world’s seven bear species are endangered, and Grizzly and Polar bears are in decline. The America Black bear is the only species still doing relatively well… “We must act now to save BC bear from endangerment. Our BC bears are faced with the same threats as the Asiatic Black and Russian Brown bears,” said the bear initiative co-ordinator for Greater Victoria, Liora Freedman.
Bid to ban bear hunting spreading
The Sun, Vernon, BC
Despite the odds, Anthony Marr is bearing down… “Even though we may not succeed in the petition, we’ll have launched a powerful educational campaign,” he said…
Shooting to ban bear hunting
The Trail Times
by Lana Rodlie
Anthony Marr knows his chances of getting a provincial referendum on banning bear hunting is about as probable as a snowflake’s chance on a hotplate, but he’s trudging along getting signatures anyway… “Every observer says we can’t do it,” Marr said… While touring the province… he has been scorned, yelled at, intimidated, threatened and slandered.
In Penticton, 50 hunters showed up to disrupt a meeting… More hunters overran a similar meeting in Prince George and in Kamloops.
In Campbell River, he was told by one hunter that he saw Marr on TV, and the price on Marr’s head “just went up $10,000”, and another cited Marr’s Chinese Canadian heritage as “doing damage to our culture”. In Port Alberni, 60 hunters…
Marr doesn’t care if he is up against insurmountable odds, he still hopes to get his message out… One of the most frequently asked questions by hunters is why they are being persecuted when the real culprits are poachers. Marr said that they are both culprits, and the difference between a hunter and a poacher is irrelevant if you’re a bear.
When told that hunters could help by watching for poachers, Marr said that was like “wolves keeping coyotes from sheep.”…
Anthony Marr targeted by angry hunters in the north
Victoria News
by Wendy Cook
… Marr says BC hunters seem to be short-sighted in their vision of the potential crisis. “They don’t accept the global scene. They say ‘This is BC, don’t talk about Asia’ but the world is getting pretty small. What happens over here has an effect over there and vice versa,” he says.
BCWF’s Doug Walker does not agree. “To say expansion in China will increase the use of bear parts here is unfair…,” he says…
Hunting opponents struggle
Nelson Daily News
by Bob Hall
Anthony Marr admits it is a daunting task, but has vowed to go the distance in the effort to ban bear hunting in BC… “Pessimists say it is possible but very difficult and optimists say it is very difficult but possible,” said Marr, who was in Nelson over the weekend to rally support of volunteers who are collecting signatures. “We’re saying the latter and have to work on that premise to just keep going…”
Bear opponents hunting for Peninsula support
Peninsula News Review, Saanich, BC
by Brian Dryden
… One of the canvassers in Sidney set up tables in front of local grocery stores to give the campaign higher visibility…
Group bears legislative flaws
Summerland Review, Summerland, BC
… numerous legal obstacles… In each riding a different set of petition is used… If signatures in even one riding are less than 10% of eligible voters, the whole petition becomes invalid. / Another obstacle is that the petition must be completed by Dec. 9, or 90 days after it was started…
The Fortunate and The Called Upon
at your service
Anthony Marr, Founder and President
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC) (AM's 3rd-book-in-the-making)
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