Chapter 5 - "Quit campaign or else", warns Sierra Club
June 7, 1996, Fri.
The Vancouver Sun
Laws to curb wildlife trade
Ottawa -
Environment Minister Sergio Marchi has brought in stiff new regulations to curb the illegal trade in wildlife and plants.
The regulations provide fines of up to $300,000 and jail terms of up to five years for people who illegally import endangered species or who are caught in possession of products made from these products.
For example, a store owner who sells a product made from tiger parts could be convicted under the legislation, passed in 1992, but only recently proclaimed.
Under previous legislation, it was illegal to import tiger parts into Canada, but once smuggled into the country, such parts could be sold openly, says Anthony Marr.
From the field journal of Anthony Marr
June 7, 1996, Friday
[10:18 @ the residence of Erick Smith and Diana Prestidge in Nanoose Bay]
Dearest Christopher:
We stayed last night at the residence of Eric Smith and Diana Prestidge, a house of wood and glass and light at Nanoose Bay near Nanaimo. As with Wayne and Anita, Eric and Diana are total strangers, except for their name’s being under the names of local environmental organizations in our itinerary compiled by myself. The raw data came from various environmental contact lists from WCWC’s Communication Coordinator Sue Fox and publications such as BC Environmental Network’s green directory.
Erica’s job is to contact all these groups and people to ask for their support and participation. One of the things in which they can help is to offer us free bed and breakfast. So far, so good. So far, so wonderful, in fact, and not just the food, but the spirit.
Still, I had only 2 hours’ sleep the night before, and no more than five hours last night, still due to sinus blockage. Felt almost totally depleted yesterday. Still somewhat weak-kneed right now.
Nonetheless, I gave a short (15 minutes, allotted) but (someone said) “motivational” speech (without visuals) to a small group (about 15) of WCWC Mid-Island chapter people, including WCWC Director Annette Tanner and her husband Scott of Qualicum Beach, and Nanaimo’s Gay Cunningham and Dirk Becker, among others. I was more or less an adjunct guest speaker in a prearranged speaking event featuring Joe Foy as the keynote speaker. Being a mainly by-invitation-only meeting, few if any hunters were present.
Tonight, the somewhat fabled whale watching town of Tofino edging the open Pacific Ocean on the west coast of Vancouver Island, also of Clayoquot (pronounced "KLAHK-quot") Sound fame. The Friends of Clayoquot Sound, many of whose members were among the 700 arrested during the blockade of 1994, including leader Valerie Languor, will be orchestrating the event...
On the phone, Bonita and I had a collective groan, when she told me that the Smithers branch of Sierra Club is siding with the hunter and guide-outfitters and wrote us a letter saying, “… We suggest that you cancel your public meeting, or…” How despicable! I wonder what Greenpeace has to say.
Good night, Christopher.
June 8, 1996, Sat.
The Nanaimo Free Press
by Paul Walton
Wildlife group campaigns for referendum to ban bear hunting
Convinced that BC bears will one day make the endangered species list, activists are beginning a campaign for a referendum, which would ban hunting the animals in the province.
As part of a world campaign to save endangered animals, the road tour of Anthony Marr, wildlife campaigner of the Western Canada Wilderness Committee, will visit Nanaimo next week...
The WCWC’s call for a referendum comes shortly after protests this year near Campbell River when several people were arrested for disturbing the hunt. Last year, protesters with Bear Watch successfully opposed an injunction to limit protests in the area...
“The purpose of this road tour is to set up the infrastructure for the referendum,” Marr said...
The Fortunate and The Called Upon
at your service
Anthony Marr, Founder and President
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
Global Anti-Hunting Coalition (GAHC)
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